Hands #161-165: Moore Picks Up Four of Five Hands
N��vel 28
: 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
Hand #161: James Moore limped in, and Kerry Goldberg checked his option. The board ran out , with the two checking it all the way down. Moore tabled
to scoop with queen-high.
Hand #162: Moore got a walk.
Hand #163: Moore raised to 230,000 on the button, and Goldberg called. The flop came . Goldberg checked, Moore bet 325,000, and Goldberg mucked.
Hand #164: Goldberg raised to 235,000 and raked in the pot.
Hand #165: Moore limped in, and Goldberg checked his option. The flop came , and Goldberg check-folded to a bet of 200,000 from Moore.