Hands #56-58: Double-Ups Back and Forth

Hand #56: Hrair Yapoudjian raised to 6,000,000 from the button, and John Hutchinson shoved all in from the small blind. Yapoudjian called.
Hrair Yapoudjian:
John Hutchinson:
"Eightsies!" Hutchinson shouted.
The board ran out . Hutchinson hit a set of eights on the flop and ended up with a full house, eights over sixes, in the end and doubled up.
Hand #57: Yapoudjian shoved all in first to act, and Hutchinson called from the button.
John Hutchinson:
Hrair Yapoudjian:
The board ran out . Although Hutchinson had many outs after the flop, none of them came through. Yapoudjian doubled up, leaving Hutchinson with 2,900,000 chips.
Hand #58: Vera Kuhl raised to 7,200,000 from the small blind and was called by Yapoudjian in the big blind. The flop came , and Kuhl check-folded to a bet of 7,000,000 from Yapoudjian.