Blinds: 400/800/80
Bernard "Krampampuli" Larabi opened to 2,040 in the cutoff and Jeff "NedrudRelyt" Madsen came along from the small blind.
The flop fanned out 4?3?2? and Madsen checked over to Larabi who continued for 2,050. Madsen put in a check-raise to 9,145 and Larabi called.
On the 2? turn Madsen bet pot, leaving only 2,075 behind and Larabi moved all in to cover the remaining stack of Madsen who called.
Jeff "NedrudRelyt" Madsen: 9?8?7?6?
Bernard "Krampampuli" Larabi: A?Q?6?5?
Madsen was in rough shape against the flopped nuts for Larabi, and when the river fell the 4?, it was the straight for Larabi that sent Madsen to the rail.
Jeff "NedrudRelyt" MadsenBernard "Krampampuli" Larabi