"Toomuchpower" raised the cutoff, and "Jhope514" defended their blind. The flop came and "Jhope514" check-raised the 60,000 bet to 180,000. "Toomuchpower" shoved for 428,824 and got the call.
"Toomuchpower" :
The kings were enough, but "Toomuchpower" got the four-flush on the river just to be safe.
However, our coverage just got amped up a little! Besides our traditional updates, the PokerNews Twitch stream is back to bring direct you coverage from the digital arena.
PokerNews will be streaming on most Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, focusing on all the action over at GGPoker. The stream will be hosted by PokerNews's Social Media manager Jesse Fullen and an array of co-hosts will rotate in and out alongside him to commentate on the action. PokerNews Head of Live Reporting USA Chad Holloway will join Jesse in the booth today.
"Naaaturally" raised to 40,000 under the gun and "Thiborghini" called the cutoff. The flop came and "Thiborghini" called the bet of 60,000. They both checked the turn as well as the river.
The nines held to give "Thiborghini" a decent pot.