Hand #119: Harry Lodge moved all in from the button and everyone folded.
Hand #120: Joe McKeehen raised to 65,000 from the button and the rest of the table folded.
Hand #121: Joe McKeehen opened to 65,000 from under the gun and everyone else folded.
Hand #122: Joe McKeehen raised under the gun to 65,000 and Sam Phillips then three-bet to 200,000. McKeehen folded and Phillips won the hand.
Hand #123: Action is folded to Joe McKeehen in the big blind who got a walk.
Hand #124: Sam Phillips raised to 70,000 from the cutoff and Jack Maskill moved all in from the big blind. Phillips folded and Maskill took down the pot.
Hand #125: Joe McKeehen raised to 65,000 from the button and was called by Joe Cada in the big blind. The flop came down 

and action checked to McKeehen who bet 50,000. Cada made the call and the turn came the
. Both players checked the turn and the river fell the
. Cada led out for 75,000 and McKeehen quickly folded.
Hand #126: Jack Maskill called the button and Sam Phillips then checked the big blind. The flop came 

and Phillips checked to Maskill who bet 30,000. Phillips then check-raised to 90,000 and Maskill made the call. The turn came the
and Phillips then led out for 100,000. Maskill made the call and the river came the
. Both players checked and revealed their hands. Phillips showed 
for two pair and Maskill tabled 
for a higher two pair.
Jack MaskillJoe CadaJoe McKeehenSam Phillips