2-7 Triple Draw
Bryn Kenney raised from early position and found calls from Fabio Coppola in the hijack, Randy Ohel on the button, and Jan Suchanek in the big blind. The first draw saw Suchanek take two, Kenney take one, and both Coppola and Ohel take two. Suchanek checked, Kenny fired, and found two calls. Suchanek, on the other hand, opted to release his cards.
On the second draw, both Kenney and Coppola stood pat while Ohel opted for one. Kenney checked, Coppola fired a bet, and both of his opponents called. On the third draw, Kenney broke what he had earlier patted, drawing one new card. Both Coppola and Ohel chose to stand pat. Kenney checked, Coppola bet, Ohel called, and Kenney folded his cards.
Coppola fanned 

and Ohel mucked his cards. Coppola picked up the pot and now has about 380,000 in chips.
Bryn KenneyFabio CoppolaJan SuchanekRandy Ohel