Hands #74-79: Only One Flop

Nível 24
: 12,000/24,000, 0 ante
Hand #74: Matthew Dames raised to 84,000 from early position and got the blinds.
Hand #75: Gabriel Nassif raised from the button to 50,000 and won the blinds.
Hand #76: Dames raised from the small blind for 72,000 and Kevin Saul folded the big blind.
Hand #77: Nassif raised to 50,000 and folded to the pot-sized raised of 186,000 by Matthew Humphrey.
Hand #78: Brandon Paster raised to 55,000 and got himself the blinds.
Hand #79: Marcel Vonk raised to 54,000 from the button, Paster called out of the big blind. On the flop, Paster bet 85,000 and Vonk mucked his cards.