Schwarmann Keeps Hammering Away
N��vel 25
: 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Hand #94: Nick Schwarmann raised to 50,000 and Justin Oliver folded.
Hand #95: Oliver folded and gave Schwarmann a walk.
Hand #96: Schwarmann raised to 50,000 and Oliver called. Oliver check-folded the flop to Schwarmann's bet of 50,000.
Hand #97: Oliver completes the small blind and Schwarmann used his option to raise to 100,000. Oliver made the call and the flop was dealt. Schwarmann bet 100,000 and Oliver reraised to 250,000. Schwarmann folded and Oliver won the pot.
Hand #98: Schwarmann raised to 50,000 and Oliver called. Oliver check-folded the flop to Schwarmann's 50,000 bet.