Hands 47-52
Hand #47: Unknown action occurred on this hand.
Hand #48: Lee opened to 51,000 from the button, Lindgren called, and the flop came . Lindgren check-called a bet of 51,000. Both players checked the turn (
) and river (
), and the pot was chopped when both players revealed kings for a straight.
Hand #49: Unknown action occurred on this hand, as the tournament announcers were switching shifts.
Hand #50: Action folded to Drinan in the small blind, who opened for 66,000. Markholt released, and Drinan took it down.
Hand #51: Lindgren raised to 50,000 from under the gun, Drinan called from the button, and the flop fell . Lindgren led out for 60,000 and Drinan called. The turn came
and both players checked to see the
fall on the river. Lindgren bet 125,000 on fifth street and Drinan stared him down from the safety of his white hoodie, but he eventually mucked his hand.
Hand #52: Drinan opened for 54,000 from under the gun, Markholt called from the button, and Lindgren called from the big blind. The flop of , prompted Lindgren to check, and Drinan continued his line with a bet of 66,000. Markholt mucked quickly, but Lindgren cut out enough chips for a check-raise to 190,000. Drinan looked directly at Lindgren for more than a minute, searching for a read, and he eventually flatted to see the
fall on the turn.
Both layers checked fourth street, and when the completed the board on the river, Lindgren checked again. Still staring right at Lindgren, Drinan slowly slid a stack of 250,000 into the middle.
Lindgren then exhaled loudly and leaned forward to study the board, and it was obvious that he was faced with a tough decision. After thirty seconds of thought, Lindgren released and Drinan dragged the pot.