Hands #121 - 127
Hand #121: From the button Jonathan Taylor raised to 120,00. In the big blind Blake Bohn made a reraise that instantly send Taylor's cards flying to the muck.
Hand #122: Taylor got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #123: Taylor raised 120,000 from the button. Bohn called from the big blind. On the flop, Bohn checked to Taylor who bet 100,000, forcing a fold from Bohn.
Hand #124: Bohn raised to 140,000 from the button. Taylor called. On the flop, Taylor checked to Bohn who bet causing a fold from Taylor.
Hand #125: On the button Taylor raised to 120,000. Bohn called in the big blind. On the flop, Bohn checked to Taylor. Taylor bet out 100,000 and Bohn folded.
Hand #126: Bohn raised to 140,000 from the button. From the big blind Taylor made the call. The flop came and Taylor checked. Bohn bet 200,000. Taylor tanked for a bit, but eventually folded.
Hand #127: Taylor raised to 120,000 from the button and was quickly called by Bohn. Both players checked to the flop. On the
turn, Bohn bet out 175,000. Taylor called. On the
river, Bohn checked and Taylor checked. Bohn scooped the pot with the
in his hand.