Hands 200-206
Hand #200- Allen Cunningham limped on the button and Lev Rofman checked. The flop fell and Rofman check-folded to a bet from Cunningham.
Hand #201- Lev Rofman raised to 90,000 on the button and Allen Cunningham called from the big blind. They checked to the turn of a board where Cunningham bet 100,000. Rofman gave it up.
Hand #202- On the button, Allen Cunningham limp-called a raise to 120,000 by Lev Rofman in in the big blind. The flop came down and Rofman bet 225,000. Cunningham folded.
Hand #203- Lev Rofman limped on the button, Allen Cunningham checked his option, and the flop fell . Cunningham bet 40,000, Rofman raised the pot, and Cunningham folded.
Hand #204- Lev Rofman received a walk in the big blind.
Hand #205- Lev Rofman raised to 80,000 on the button and Allen Cunningham called from the big blind. They checked down a board and Cunningham won the pot with
Hand #206- Allen Cunningham limped on the button and Lev Rofman checked. They checked to the turn of a board where Cunningham bet, receiving a fold from Rofman.