Vasili Firsau limped in from the small blind and Thomas Bichon checked his option in the big blind. On the flop , Firsau bet 8,000 and was called before checking the turn. Bichon bet 27,000 and the Belorussian called to see the appear on the river. Both players checked and Bichon?s ended up second best to the of Firsau.
Thomas Bichon won the last hand of the level after raising the button with , his fourth hole card was not showing. Vasili Firsau had defended the big blind with and the two of them on the flop flop and the turn. The river gave Bichon trips but no further chips, as Firsau check-folded to his bet of 20,000.
Straight after the hand, the players were sent into their next 15-minute break.
Jan-Peter Jachtmann raised from the button to 20,000 with the . Thomas Bichon defended the big blind with and then quickly check-folded the flop to a continuation bet worth 23,000 by Jachtmann.
Thomas Bichon raised from the button with the and Vasili Firsau called out of the big blind with the . Firsau check-called a continuation bet on the flop and both players then checked the on the turn. Firsau bet the river for 36,000 with his straight and Bichon tanked for a good amount of time before folding.
Thomas Bichon raised to 12,000 from the button and both his opponents called in the blinds. Jan-Peter Jachtmann checked the flop and Vasili Firsau checked as well, Bichon then continued for 18,000. Only Jachtmann called with the and made a straight on the turn.
Bichon fired another 36,000 with the and Jachtmann called, checking once more as soon as the filled up on the river. Bichon bluffed for the first time in a big pot today and fired 110,000, enforcing a fold from Jachtmann after long consideration.
Vasili Firsau raised from the button and Jan-Peter Jachtmann defended his big blind to see the flop of . Jachtmann check-called a bet of 22,000 and did so again on the turn for 37,500 with the for a pair of tens and a gutshot. Firsau already had a made hand with the and the river about the worst possible card in the deck to show up on the river.
Jachtmann checked and then called a bet of 77,500 with his straight, plummeting back to the bottom of the counts as a result.
Vasili Firsau raised from the button and Jan-Peter Jachtmann stayed in the hand out of the big blind. On the flop , Jachtmann checked and Firsau bet 25,500 into a pot of 39,000 with for absolutely nothing. Jachtmann just flat-called with the and they checked the on the turn.
Jachtmann also checked the and reluctantly check-folded to a bet worth 55,500 by Firsau.
Thomas Bichon raised to 12,000 from the button and Jan-Peter Jachtmann as well as Vasili Firsau called in the blinds. On the flop , Jachtmann and Firsau checked and Bichon continued for 24,000. Only the German called and the appeared on the turn.
Jachtmann checked and Bichon fired 68,000 only to face a check-raise for pot-size by Jachtmann. Ultimately, the German was at risk for 218,000 and Bichon gave it a lot of thought with his for top two pair. Jachtmann was not called, but would have doubled up for certain with the for top set.