Jon Vallinas raised to 1,300,000 in the small blind, Johannes Straver moved all in for 9,400,000 in the big blind, and Vallinas snap-called.
Johannes Straver: A?J?
Jon Vallinas: 10?10?
Straver was racing for his tournament life as his rail, which has grown to include Super Main Event finalist Christopher Nguyen, swarmed the table to await the flop. He missed the K?7?6? flop, but the turn brought the A? to give Straver the lead with top pair. The river was the 3? and Straver doubled up once again.
Jon Vallinas raised to 1,000,000 on the button and Johannes Straver moved all in for 4,450,000 in the small blind. Vallinas confirmed the amount and called.
Johannes Straver: K?K?
Jon Vallinas: Q?10?
Straver showed down a pair of kings and the flop came A?8?7?. The 2? turn left Vallinas drawing dead going to the Q? river and Straver doubled up.
Jon Vallinas moved all in from the small blind and Arthur Conan called for 10,000,000 in the big blind.
Arthur Conan: A?7?
Jon Vallinas: A?8?
Vallinas had Conan dominated as the flop came Q?4?2?, giving Conan the nut flush draw. The 5? turn was no help to Conan, while the 4? river sealed his elimination in fourth place.
The three previous hands saw Johannes Straver, Jon Vallinas, and Arthur Conan all move all in without finding any callers.
Fabian Niederreiter then limped in from the small blind and Vallinas raised to 1,400,000 in the big blind. Niederreiter then reraised to 10,000,000 and Vallinas quickly folded.
Fabian Niederreiter opened the cutoff to 1,000,000 and Johannes Straver defended his big blind.
On the Q?Q?2? flop, Straver checked to Niederreiter, who bet 500,000. Straver responded with a check-raise to 1,800,000. Niederreiter used two time banks before he announced a min-three-bet to 3,100,000 and Straver snap-folded.
Jon Vallinas raised to 800,000 under the gun and Arthur Conan three-bet to 1,700,000 in the cutoff. Wookuk Lee then reraised to 3,400,000, leaving one chip behind, and Vallinas folded. Conan called and they saw a flop of A?4?9?. Conan then bet and Lee tossed in his last chip.
Wookuk Lee: K?K?
Arthur Conan: A?9?
Lee's pocket kings had been outdrawn as Conan turned over top two pair. The rest of the board ran out 8?6? and Lee was eliminated in fifth place.