Jason Sagle moved all in for 615,000 in middle position and Jon Vallinas called in the cutoff.
Jason Sagle: K?J?
Jon Vallinas: A?9?
Vallinas got up from his seat to take a phone call as the flop came J?4?6?, giving Sagle the lead with top pair. The rest of the board ran out Q?4? and Vallinas, still on the phone, quickly tossed Sagle the chips before continuing with his conversation.
The World Series of Poker (WSOP) Paradise series is underway, and poker players attending should be aware of a rule change that will impact the use of electronic devices at the table.
Jonathan Tamayo won the WSOP Main Event for $10 million this past summer in Las Vegas. Controversy surrounded the victory after poker fans noticed his rail, which included poker pros Joe McKeehen and Dominik Nitsche, had a laptop open with apparent real-time assistance (RTA) software visible.
Tamayo would occasionally converse with his rail during the final table, and that led some to question if he had an unfair advantage. But no one has presented any evidence to prove he broke any rules or won the tournament because of an edge gained from his rail. Still, the WSOP did not have a rule in place to prevent potential controversies such as this from arising. They do now, however.
There are a few other additional new rules for the series, including banning electronic devices at the table altogether when a tournament is down to three tables. Players are also not permitted to place their cell phones or any electronic devices on the table or table rail during play.
Joey Weissman raised to 300,000 from the small blind, Phil Hellmuth re-raised, and Weissman used seven time banks before calling all-in for 365,000 in an attempt to ladder.
Joey Weissman: Q?8?
Phil Hellmuth: A?J?
Both players paired on the K?J?8? flop and nothing changed on the 2? turn as the A? river sealed Weissman's elimination in 23rd.
Young Sik Eum opened to 125,000 from under the gun and Phil Hellmuth called in the hijack. On the button, Taylor von Kriegenbergh jammed for 1,100,000 and Eum called while Hellmuth folded.
Taylor von Kriegenbergh: A?K?
Young Sik Eum: 9?9?
It was a coinflip scenario as Eum stayed ahead on the 6?4?2? flop. Nothing changed on the Q?2? runout as the start-of-day chip leader hit the exit in 24th place.