Hands #79-83: Colman Moves Into the Lead

Hand #79: Olivier Busquet had the button and raised to 260,000 with the . Daniel Colman called from the big blind with the
and the flop came down
. Colman checked, and so did Busquet.
The turn was the , and Colman checked again. Busquet bet 400,000, and Colman gave it up.
Hand #80: Colman raised to 300,000 on the button with the , and Busquet called from the big blind with the
. The flop fell
, and both players checked to see the
land on the turn. Busquet checked, Colman bet 450,000, and Busquet folded.
Hand #81: On the button, Busquet raised to 260,000 with the , and Colman called with the
The flop fell , and both players checked to see the
land on the turn. Colman led for 450,000, and Busquet called. The river was the
, and both players checked.
Colman showed his pair of aces and won the pot.
Hand #82: Colman raised from the button and won the pot.
Hand #83: On the final board of , Colman led with a bet of 1.8 million into a pot of 1.16 million holding the
. Busquet had the
and folded, giving Colman the pot.