Some hands were missed because of clips cut into the stream.
Hand #275: Buonanno mucked his button, pot for Salter.
Hand #276: Salter limped in with and Buonanno checked with
. Salter flopped top two and Buonanno check-folded.
Hand #278: Buonanno made it 600,000 with and Salter called with
on the flop and Salter checked to Buonanno. Buonanno bet 500,000 and Salter folded.
Hand #279: Salter had on the button and limped in. Buonanno checked his
on the flop and Buonanno checked. Salter bet 325,000 and Buonanno folded.
Hand #280: Buonanno folded his button.
Hand #281: Salter limped in and Buonanno checked. Buonanno check-folded to Salter's bet on an ace-high board.
Hand #282: Buonanno folded his button.
Hand #283: Salter limped in with , Buonanno checked his
. The flop came
and both players checked. The
fell on the turn and again both players checked. The river
made Buonanno check. Salter bet 300,000 and Buonanno folded.