PokerStars Players Championship (PSPC) e EPT Barcelona adiados para 2021

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A PokerStars anunciou nesta sexta-feira que o PokerStars Players No Limit Hold��em Championship (PSPC) e o EPT Barcelona foram adiados para 2021.
"�� com grande tristeza que decidimos adiar o PSPC 2020 e o EPT Barcelona para 2021. Os eventos estavam programados para agosto deste ano no Casino Barcelona", disse Severin Rasset, diretor de inova??o e opera??es de poker da PokerStars, no comunicado publicado no blog da sala.
"Sabemos que esta not��cia ser�� uma decep??o para muitos, mas sabemos que entender?o por que isto �� necess��rio. A nossa prioridade �� a seguran?a e a sa��de de todos os nossos jogadores e funcion��rios, bem como das comunidades que realizam eventos desta dimens?o."
Al��m disso, tr��s outros eventos foram cancelados: Road to PSPC Cannes, Road to PSPC Madrid Torrelodones e Manilla Super Series 14.
Estes juntam-se agora ao EPT Sochi, EPT Monte Carlo e BSOP S?o Paulo na lista de eventos ao vivo da PokerStars cancelados devido �� pandemia do coronav��rus.
PSPC adiado para 2021
Apesar de n?o ter adiantado novas datas para 2021, a PokerStars confirmou que o Casino Barcelona continua a ser o palco escolhido para o PokerStars Players No-Limit Hold��em Championship (PSPC).
Originalmente anunciada em agosto de 2019, a segunda edi??o do (PSPC) estava programada para acontecer este ano, entre 20 e 24 de agosto, durante o European Poker Tour Barcelona.
O PSPC inaugural fez hist��ria ao tornar-se o maior evento de $25K de sempre e viu o espanhol Ramon Colillas, agora embaixador da PokerStars, transformar um Platinum Pass num incr��vel pr��mio de $5.100.000.
Os planos da PokerStars passavam por repetir o sucesso deste grande evento este ano e at�� agora j�� tinha atribu��do 186 Platinum Passes, que continuar?o v��lidos para o pr��ximo ano.
Agora, com o PSPC adiado para 2021, a PokerStars suspendeu temporariamente todas as promo??es de Platinum Passes at�� que esteja confirmada uma nova data para o evento. Al��m disso, a sala anunciou que vai atribuir mais 80 Platinum Passes do que o originalmente planeado, aumentando o total de pacotes PSPC para 400.
"N?o tenham d��vidas de que valer�� a pena esperar pelo PSPC e o nosso objetivo �� torn��-lo outro evento de poker hist��rico. At�� l��, mantenham-se seguros, joguem com responsabilidade e esperamos ver ainda mais vencedores do Platinum Pass em breve!"
FAQ sobre o adiamento do PSPC (ingl��s)
Will the PSPC 2020 event go ahead as scheduled in Barcelona from 20-24 August?
Due to the health risks and challenges to international travel posed by the global pandemic, we have made the decision to postpone EPT Barcelona in August and, as such, the 2020 edition of the PSPC.
When will the PSPC event now take place?
We have not decided on a new date for the PSPC event and EPT Barcelona. We are monitoring the global situation and will announce information and accompanying promotions as soon as we can.
Will the PSPC still be played in Barcelona?
Yes. PokerStars is committed to running this edition of the PokerStars Players No Limit Hold��em Championship at Casino Barcelona.
Will PokerStars continue offering free Platinum Pass packages to enter the PSPC?
Yes. In fact, we will award 400 PSPC Platinum Pass packages in total, which is 80 more than originally planned. We are currently working on upcoming promotions. We will share details nearer the time.
How can I win a Platinum Pass?
For the time being we have suspended all promotions awarding a Platinum Pass, but we will update and announce new promotions both online and live as soon as we have confirmed a new date for the PSPC.
What will happen to my Platinum Pass?
Your Platinum Pass is still valid for this event and your hotel booking will be arranged for the new Barcelona dates once these are confirmed.
Can I have my Platinum Pass value refunded to my account?
Unfortunately, no. The Platinum Pass is non-refundable and non-exchangeable. It can only be used to enter the PokerStars Players No Limit Hold��em Championship event.
I have already booked my flights for Barcelona in August. What will happen to my booking?
Please email us at [email protected] with your flight reservations so we can review your request.
Will the other live events that were awarding Platinum Passes still go ahead?
We have cancelled the following events for the same reasons as the PSPC 2020.
- Road to PSPC Cannes
- Manila Super Series 14
- Road to PSPC Madrid Torrelodones
We will advise about the other stops as soon as we are able to do so.

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