SECOOP 2019: �10 Milh?es GTD entre 27 de outubro e 11 de novembro

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A anunciou uma nova edi??o do festival de torneios de poker online Southern Europe Championship of Online Poker (SECOOP) para o mercado FRESPT!
O SECOOP 2019 vai decorrer entre 27 de outubro e 11 de novembro e est?o garantidos �10.000.000 em pr��mios, distribu��dos por um total de 148 eventos.
Os buy-ins dos eventos variam entre �5 e �250 e v?o ser jogados nos mais diversos formatos na variante No Limit Hold'em, com exce??o de tr��s eventos destinados ao f?s do jogo de quatro cartas, Pot Limit Omaha.
Main Event Progressive KO com �1 Milh?o Garantido
A estrela do festival �� o Main Event, torneio Progressive KO com buy-in de �250 e �1.000.000 garantido, agendado para 10 de novembro. Este torneio tem a dura??o de dois dias e os jogadores come?am com 50.000 fichas e os n��veis de blinds t��m a dura??o de 15 minutos.
Mas o calend��rio incluiu muitos outros torneios que n?o vais querer perder, com buy-ins mais acess��veis e grandes prize pools, como �� o caso dos tr��s eventos The Classic com buy-in de �10 e �125.000 garantidos, agendados para cada um dos domingos do festival.
Os torneios j�� est?o dispon��veis no lobby da e em breve come?ar?o os sat��lites online, onde poder��s garantir o teu lugar nos eventos do SECOOP por um pre?o mais baixo.
200 Entradas Gr��tis para o Main Event
A PokerStars agendou um Freeroll para Depositantes onde vai oferecer 200 em entradas gr��tis de �250 cada para o Main Event do SECOOP 2019.
Para participares neste freeroll basta depositares pelo menos �50 usando o c��digo 'SECOOP' entre as 15:00 WET de 28 de outubro e as 19:59 WET de 9 de novembro.
Assim que efetuares o dep��sito, receber��s automaticamente um bilhete para te registares no freerool, que come?a ��s 20:00 WET de s��bado, 9 de novembro. Os 200 melhores classificados v?o jogar o Main Event de borla!
Calend��rio do SECOOP 2019
Data & Hora | Evento | Garantido |
27-out 17:00 | SECOOP-01: �50 NL Hold'em [Warm-Up], �200,000 Guaranteed | 200.000 � |
27-out 18:00 | SECOOP-02: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
27-out 19:00 | SECOOP-03: �5+R NL Hold'em, �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
27-out 19:00 | SECOOP-04: �10 The Classic [Progressive KO], �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 � |
27-out 20:00 | SECOOP-05: �250 Sunday Special [Progressive KO], �250,000 Guaranteed | 250.000 � |
27-out 20:00 | SECOOP-06: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
27-out 21:00 | SECOOP-07: �100 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �150,000 Guaranteed | 150.000 � |
27-out 21:00 | SECOOP-08: �10 NLHE 6th Sense, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
27-out 22:00 | SECOOP-09: �50 NLHE [BigStack Turbo], �75,000 Guaranteed | 75.000 � |
27-out 23:00 | SECOOP-10: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
27-out 23:00 | SECOOP-11: �100 Sunday Supersonic, �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
28-out 17:00 | SECOOP-12: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �75,000 Guaranteed | 75.000 � |
28-out 18:00 | SECOOP-13: �50 NLHE [8-Max], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
28-out 19:00 | SECOOP-14: �250 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
28-out 20:00 | SECOOP-15: �100 NLHE Super Monday on Stars [Progressive KO], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
28-out 20:00 | SECOOP-16: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
28-out 21:00 | SECOOP-17: �20+R NLHE [Turbo], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
28-out 22:00 | SECOOP-18: �100 NLHE Hyper, �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
28-out 23:00 | SECOOP-19: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
28-out 23:00 | SECOOP-20: �250 NL Hold'em High Roller [Progressive KO], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
29-out 17:00 | SECOOP-21: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
29-out 18:00 | SECOOP-22: �50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
29-out 19:00 | SECOOP-23: �100 NL Hold'em [6-Max], �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
29-out 20:00 | SECOOP-24: �250 PLO Main Event [Progressive KO,6-Max], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
29-out 20:00 | SECOOP-25: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
29-out 21:00 | SECOOP-26: �50 NLHE [Progressive KO,8-Max], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
29-out 22:00 | SECOOP-27: �10+R NLHE [4-Max, Turbo], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
29-out 23:00 | SECOOP-28: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
29-out 23:00 | SECOOP-29: �100 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max, Turbo], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
30-out 17:00 | SECOOP-30: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
30-out 18:00 | SECOOP-31: �30+R NLHE [6-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
30-out 19:00 | SECOOP-32: �100 NL Hold'em [Win the Button], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
30-out 20:00 | SECOOP-33: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
30-out 20:00 | SECOOP-34: �30 NL Hold'em, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
30-out 22:00 | SECOOP-35: �50 NLHE [BigStack Turbo], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
30-out 22:00 | SECOOP-36: �20 NL Hold'em [Heads Up, Hyper], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* �10,000 Guaranteed | 10.000 � |
30-out 23:00 | SECOOP-37: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
30-out 23:00 | SECOOP-38: �100 NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
31-out 17:00 | SECOOP-39: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �75,000 Guaranteed | 75.000 � |
31-out 18:00 | SECOOP-40: �50 NLHE [8-Max], �80,000 Guaranteed | 80.000 � |
31-out 19:00 | SECOOP-41: �50 NLHE 6th Sense, �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
31-out 20:00 | SECOOP-42: �250 NL Hold'em Super Thursday [Progressive KO], �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 � |
31-out 20:00 | SECOOP-43: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
31-out 21:00 | SECOOP-44: �50 NL Hold'em Turbo Thursday, �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
31-out 22:00 | SECOOP-45: �100 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Turbo], �65,000 Guaranteed | 65.000 � |
31-out 23:00 | SECOOP-46: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
31-out 23:00 | SECOOP-47: �250 NL Hold'em High Roller [Progressive KO,6-Max], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
01-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-48: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
01-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-49: �20 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
01-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-50: �100 NL Hold'em [Big Ante,6-Max], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
01-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-51: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
01-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-52: �50 NLHE [8-Max], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
01-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-53: �100 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO, Turbo], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
01-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-54: �20 PLO [Turbo,6-Max], �10,000 Guaranteed | 10.000 �* |
02-nov 00:00 | SECOOP-55: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
02-nov 00:00 | SECOOP-56: �100 NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
02-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-57: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
02-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-58: �50 NLHE [6-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
02-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-59: �100 NLHE [8-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
02-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-60: �10 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
02-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-61: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
02-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-62: �30 NLHE [Deep Turbo], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
02-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-63: �30 NL Hold'em [4-Max, Turbo], �25,000 Guaranteed | 25.000 � |
03-nov 00:00 | SECOOP-64: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
03-nov 00:00 | SECOOP-65: �100 NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
03-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-66: �50 NL Hold'em [Warm-Up, Progressive KO], �200,000 Guaranteed | 200.000 � |
03-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-67: �30 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
03-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-68: �10 NL Hold'em [The Classic], �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 � |
03-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-69: �250 Sunday Special [Progressive KO], �300,000 Guaranteed | 300.000 � |
03-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-70: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
03-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-71: �10 NLHE 6th Sense, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
03-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-72: �100 NL Hold'em [Turbo], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
03-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-73: �50 NLHE [BigStack Turbo], �90,000 Guaranteed | 90.000 � |
03-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-74: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
03-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-75: �100 Sunday Supersonic, �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
04-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-76: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �75,000 Guaranteed | 75.000 � |
04-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-77: �50 NL Hold'em, �90,000 Guaranteed | 90.000 � |
04-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-78: �250 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
04-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-79: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 �* |
04-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-80: �100 NL Hold'em Super Monday on Stars [Progressive KO], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
04-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-81: �50 NL Hold'em [4-Max, Turbo], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
04-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-82: �100 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO, Hyper,8-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
04-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-83: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
04-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-84: �250 NL Hold'em High Roller [Progressive KO], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
05-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-85: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
05-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-86: �10 NLHE [Ultra KO,6-Max], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
05-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-87: �50 NLHE [6-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
05-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-88: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
05-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-89: �100 NLHE [Progressive KO,8-Max], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
05-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-90: �50 NLHE [Progressive KO,8-Max], �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
05-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-91: �50 NL Hold'em Hyper, �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
05-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-92: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
05-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-93: �100 NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
06-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-94: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
06-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-95: �50 NL Hold'em, �75,000 Guaranteed | 75.000 � |
06-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-96: �100 NL Hold'em [Win the Button], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
06-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-97: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
06-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-98: �100 PLO [6-Max], �20,000 Guaranteed | 20.000 � |
06-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-99: �50 NLHE [6-Max, Turbo], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
06-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-100: �10+R NLHE [4-Max, Turbo], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
06-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-101: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
06-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-102: �100 NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
07-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-103: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
07-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-104: �100 NLHE [8-Max], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
07-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-105: �50 NLHE 6th Sense, �75,000 Guaranteed | 75.000 � |
07-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-106: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
07-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-107: �250 NL Hold'em Super Thursday [Progressive KO], �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 � |
07-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-108: �30 NLHE Turbo, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
07-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-109: �50 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max, Turbo], �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
07-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-110: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
07-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-111: �250 NL Hold'em High Roller [Progressive KO,6-Max], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
08-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-112: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
08-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-113: �10 NL Hold'em, �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
08-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-114: �100 NLHE [Ultra KO,6-Max], �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
08-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-115: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
08-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-116: �50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
08-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-117: �30 NLHE [Deep Turbo], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
08-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-118: �50 NL Hold'em [Win the Button, Turbo], �20,000 Guaranteed | 20.000 � |
08-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-119: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
08-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-120: �100 NLHE [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
09-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-121: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
09-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-122: �30 NLHE [Progressive KO,8-Max], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
09-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-123: �100 NLHE, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
09-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-124: �10 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO,6-Max], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
09-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-125: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
09-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-126: �30 NL Hold'em [Bubble Rush], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
09-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-127: �50 NLHE [8-Max, Hyper], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
09-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-128: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
09-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-129: �100 NLHE [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
10-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-130: �50 NL Hold'em [Warm-Up], �225,000 Guaranteed | 225.000 � |
10-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-131: �30 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max], �100,000 Guaranteed | 100.000 � |
10-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-132: �250 NLHE *Main Event* �1,000,000 Guaranteed | 1.000.000 � |
10-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-133: �10 NL Hold'em [The Classic], �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 � |
10-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-134: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
10-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-135: �100 NLHE, �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 � |
10-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-136: �10 NLHE 6th Sense, �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
10-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-137: �50 NLHE [BigStack Turbo], �80,000 Guaranteed | 80.000 � |
10-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-138: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �40,000 Guaranteed | 40.000 � |
10-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-139: �100 Sunday Supersonic, �70,000 Guaranteed | 70.000 � |
11-nov 17:00 | SECOOP-140: �30 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
11-nov 18:00 | SECOOP-141: �250 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max], �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 � |
11-nov 19:00 | SECOOP-142: �50 NLHE [8-Max], �80,000 Guaranteed | 80.000 � |
11-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-143: �100 NL Hold'em Super Monday on Stars [Progressive KO], �125,000 Guaranteed | 125.000 �* |
11-nov 20:00 | SECOOP-144: �20 NL Hold'em SuperStack, �50,000 Guaranteed | 50.000 � |
11-nov 21:00 | SECOOP-145: �50 NLHE Turbo, �60,000 Guaranteed | 60.000 � |
11-nov 22:00 | SECOOP-146: �50 NLHE [Progressive KO,6-Max, Turbo], �75,000 Guaranteed | 75.000 � |
11-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-147: �20 Midnight Express [8-Max, Hyper], �35,000 Guaranteed | 35.000 � |
11-nov 23:00 | SECOOP-148: �250 NL Hold'em High Roller [Progressive KO], �30,000 Guaranteed | 30.000 � |
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