Winamax Fecha Portas aos Jogadores Holandeses

N?o �� uma not��cia que afete os jogadores nacionais, mas pode ser bastante pertinente para os nossos jogadores de poker emigrados, uma vez que muitos jogam com a bandeira holandesa.
A Winamax enviou ontem emails aos jogadores holandeses a avisar que vai deixar de fornecer os seus servi?os nesse pa��s. Assim, todos os jogadores v?o ver as suas contas encerradas permanentemente a partir do dia 30 de abril. O mesmo email diz que os jogadores que se encontrem noutras localiza??es podem atualizar a sua nova morada e continuar a jogar.
Aqui fica o email enviado pela Winamax:
We are contacting you today in regards to your Winamax account.
We have deduced that your postal address and/or bank details registered to your Winamax player account and the IP addresses you are connecting from are located in the Netherlands.
All gaming operators that want to offer their services to players living in the Netherlands must hold a licence issued by the local gambling commission. As Winamax does not hold such a licence, your player account will be permanently closed on Monday, 30th of April 2018.
If, however, the mailing address and bank account listed on your Winamax account are not current and you now live in a country where Winamax operates legally, please log in and update your information from the ��My account�� section before Monday, 30th of April 2018:
By updating your account with your new address and bank details, you will be able to continue to take advantage of our services after Monday, 30th of April 2018. Don��t forget to send us a copy of your bank document so that we may validate this.
However, if you are still a resident of Switzerland at this time, then your account will be permanently closed on Monday, 30th of April 2018 at 12:00 CET. On this date, the funds in your Winamax account will be automatically transferred to the bank account you have registered on Winamax. The transfer will include the value of your bankroll at the time of your account closure, the face value of any unused tournament tickets and the monetary equivalent of the Miles you held, at the rate of �0.013/Miles. Funds will appear in your bank account within 7 days of the transfer date.
Thank you for choosing Winamax. We hope you have enjoyed playing at our tables.
The Winamax Team
Grande parte dos jogadores holandeses viram as suas contas serem bloqueadas, numa altura em que se jogam ainda o final das Winamax Series, onde alguns jogadores avan?aram para o segundo dia de competi??o em torneios de v��rios dias.
A resposta �� insatisfa??o dos jogadores foi dada no f��rum de poker 2+2, onde um respons��vel da Winamax garantiu que todos os jogadores holandeses ainda a jogar estes eventos de v��rios dias iriam ter as contas desbloqueadas at�� ao fim do festival.
"All players living in the Netherlands who have qualified for a multiday event have had their accounts temporarily unlocked so that they may finish their events."
H�� anos que a Holanda tenta sem sucesso regular o mercado de jogo online no pa��s, o que tem contribu��do para que muitas salas operem neste mercado "cinzento". A PokerStars �� uma das salas que continua a permitir jogadores do pa��s no seu lobby. As previs?es para uma nova lei entrar em vigor apontam para o in��cio de 2019.
Mais informa??o em nl.PokerNews.
Em atualiza??o.
J�� tens conta na PokerStars? N?o!? Abre j��, deposita �10 usando o c��digo ��PORTUGAL20�� e recebe �30!
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