Twitter: Estalou o Verniz entre Negreanu e Hellmuth

Phil Hellmuth volta a estar nas bocas do mundo do poker. Depois de j�� ter entrado em discuss?es no twitter com o Team PokerStars Pro Andr�� Akkari, o Poker Brat regressa numa acesa discuss?o com Daniel Negreanu sobre quem �� o melhor jogador de poker do mundo.
Tudo come?ou depois de uma entrevista de Daniel Negreanu �� Poker Central sobre os novos jogadores da atualidade. ��Estes jogadores trabalham arduamente no seu jogo, eu n?o tenho feito isso, e Phil pensa que �� o n��mero um, est�� louco. N?o corresponde �� realidade", disse Negreanu.
Como era de esperar a resposta apareceu no Twitter:
Quem �� o n��mero 1?
I am always the #1 seed in no limit Hold'em tourneys DNegs, best ROI in history kid. And yes, I agree: one of us i��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth Instead of learning from them you choose to berate them. You do you, and I'll learn from them what I can. Good luck.
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
I respect them. I berate everyone (Poker Brat!), and I always learn and improve. But I see too many flaws to conc��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Aparece o Ego dos dois jogadores
@phil_hellmuth You are a good guy Phil but your ego is blinding you from the truth. The players of today are world��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Uh...Got caught in ego war, embarrassingly! Always best for me to let my play do the talking, but the slights, esp��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth I just tell you the truth Phil. It's not personal. I like you, but you totally disrespect players th��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Nomea??o de jogadores
N?o �� preciso dizer que Phil Hellmuth pensa que �� o melhor do mundo. A melhor forma de saber se realmente �� o melhor �� conhecer quem s?o os seus rivais e �� isso que Hellmuth faz:
Yo @RealKidPoker pardon me if I disagree w your "Truth." I've seen your "Truth" be wrong way too many times. Write��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth I don't expect many of the current greats to be around in 7 years. Many will move on to other things��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Cmon DNegs, that's WEAK!! Put your list up for the world to see or admit I'm the best: no other way out of the mes��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth If you would like as I said I'll book you against these young Germans for all the money you can borr��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Give us the list of these players that will "Crush me badly" in No Limit Hold'em tournaments, don't be a coward Dan��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth You want to act like a big shot then bet on it. I'll post my bets and happily donate a portion of your losses to charity.
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Give me more! Then we can gamble
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Memoriza o pr��ximo post por que ainda voltaremos aqui...
Start writing, 40 names total, and I'll accept your cross book. Can't wait to win next @WSOP bracelet for $800k x��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
A maior aus��ncia da Lista
Um dos grandes nomes que foi deixado de parte da lista foi Doug Polk, que fez quest?o de referir isso mesmo.
Great list of players. Don't think you missed anyone here.
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)
@DougPolkPoker Word on the street is PH busted you in your best format! How can I pick you after that? #
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
@RealKidPoker Good point. However despite my short comings I am still willing to cross book either of you guys #
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)
Onde anda o amor entre os dois jogadores?
Hellmuth e Negreanu continua a esgrimir argumentos e mais uma vez a falta de respeito de Phil Hellmuth nas mesas �� posta em causa.
Are they no Limit Hold'em players?!? Or just play 20-100 man fields in 1 or Day tourneys? Bring a list of REAL pl��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@abarber1 @tammysm02012447 @stephnick99 @phil_hellmuth Are you aware how rude and disrespectful he is to these youn��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Please Daniel, I told Steffen and Fedor that I liked them. Almost everyone in the poker knows im a good guy and li��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth That's not low. There is video evidence of you being disrespectful to them on a consistent basis. Yo��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
You make it seem like I'm NOT LOVED by the poker world. That's not right, and I KNOW you love me as well...And vic��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Do you think ANYONE takes it personally? Even one player on the field? Or do they laugh and enjoy the show?
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth You don't get to decide if the insults are personal. Treating people with disrespect just isn't righ��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
You would prefer that I act perfectly all the time? That I never lose it?
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
@phil_hellmuth I love you just the way you are Phil! You just need to be able to take it like you dish it.
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Muita conversa e pouca a??o
Depois de tudo isto, todos querem saber se existe aposta entre os dois jogadores. Justin Bonomo foi um dos jogadores que perguntou isso mesmo. Hellmuth parece n?o se "importar com uma aposta", mas recua perante a insist��ncia.
@phil_hellmuth Let's cut to the chase: Phil: Are you willing to make this bet for > $25k's?
— Justin Bonomo (@JustinBonomo)
@DougPolkPoker @phil_hellmuth We already know they will say yes to the other way (PH only in theory). If Phil won't��
— Justin Bonomo (@JustinBonomo)
@JustinBonomo @DougPolkPoker @phil_hellmuth PH is just looking for abstract ways to back out of any bet like he did��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
No, I don't care about betting, I think I'm huge fav over 40 players in all Hold'em tournies, but it's a huge distr��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Regressando ao tweett acima...
@phil_hellmuth Then why entertain bets at all? Then when your bluff gets called back out? Either put up # or shut u��
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
Este argumento ficou sem resposta por parte de Hellmuth.
Shaun Deeb tamb��m foi deixar a sua marca e ofereceu-se para deixar Negreanu jogar em seu lugar no King of The Hill. O que seria um verdadeiro duelo ��pico, depois desta discuss?o.
I'd gladly give up my koth spot for @RealKidPoker to be able to play you for the show
— NiceShaunDeeb (@shaundeeb)
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