Phil Hellmuth e Brandon Cantu Filmam Cena da S��rie "Billions"

Quem segue as estrelas do mundo do poker sabe que Phil Hellmuth adora as camaras, podemos at�� dizer que caso n?o fosse jogador profissional poderia at�� querer ser ator.
O poker tem proporcionado muitas experi��ncias nos ecr?s a Hellmuth e desta vez parece que ele e Brandon Cantu estiveram a filmar um epis��dio da s��rie Billions.
A s��rie estreou em Janeiro de 2016 e s?o v��rias as estrelas no elenco: Damian Lewis, Paul Giamatti, Maggie Siff e Malin Akerman (na foto com Hellmuth). A hist��ria contada gira �� volta da alta finan?a e dos crimes de colarinho branco. De acordo com a Wikipedia, a inspira??o vem da vida de Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, homem que em em Abril de 2011 mandou abaixo, nos EUA, os gigantes do poker online PokerStars e Full Tilt Poker.
A segunda temporada da s��rie ter�� ent?o uma cena de poker e no "set" v?o estar Hellmuth e Cantu, entre outros.
Phil Hellmuth Impressionado com as Estrelas da S��rie Billions
What time is it? What city am I in? Did I just sleep 3.5 hrs? 5:27 AM, Manhattan, and Yes! Here to shoot @SHO_Billions, 6 AM CPU CarPickUp
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Man, actors work hard!! @Lewis_Damian hit the @SHO_Billions set yesterday at 6:30 AM, left 10:20 PM! Back before 9 AM... #Baller
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Golden Globes & Emmy Award winner: and star of @SHO_Billions, Band of Brothers, Life, and Homeland has it together! My Ego would be flaring!
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
PIC: cool girl! @MalinAkerman and I on set of @SHO_Billions #MrsAxelrod #Billions #Watchmen
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth) August 3, 2016
Brandon Cantu Interroga-se Sobre se J�� Ser�� um Ator
Doing filming for the show "Billions" 6AM NYC... Does this make me an official actor?
— Brandon Cantu (@brandoncantu) August 2, 2016
,@westcoastbill @phil_hellmuth @jonferraro and Ricky T Filming "Billions"
— Brandon Cantu (@brandoncantu) August 2, 2016
What a day 16 Hrs of filming. I'll never watch a show the same again after knowing how much work goes into a scene.
— Brandon Cantu (@brandoncantu)
Imagem do Twitter de Phil Hellmuth
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