European Poker Awards: Fedor Holz,Liv Boeree, Adrian Mateos e Urbanovich Entre os Vencedores

A entrega dos pr��mios European Poker Awards 2015 aconteceu no Monte Carlo Bay Hotel and Resort pelo 15o ano consecutivo.
A cerim��nia contou com o patroc��nio da PokerStars e premiou os melhores do ano transacto do poker europeu, entre os premiados n?o esteve nenhum luso.
O pr��mio de jogador do ano ficou com o alem?o Fedor Holz e Liv Boeree arrecadou o trof��u feminino.
Abaixo podes ver a lista completa de nomeados e premiados (a bold):
Pr��mio Especial Atribu��do pelo Juri
- Neil Stoddart (fot��grafo do EPT)
Personalidade do Ano (Imprensa)
- Frank Op de Woerd
- Lee Davy
- Neil Stoddart
- Remko Rinkema
Personalidade do Ano (Ind��stria)
- Edgar Stuchly
- Hermance Blum
- Luca Vivaldi
- Rob Yong
- Thomas Lamatsch
Revela??o do Ano
- Charlie Carrel
- Dzmitry Urbanovich
- Fedor Holz
- Rainer Kempe
Performance do Ano num Torneio
- Adrian Mateos Wins the 2015 EPT Grand Final Main Event
- Barny Boatman wins second career WSOP bracelet at WSOP Europe
- Fedor Holz Wins WPT Alpha8 Las Vegas
- Mustapha Kanit wins EPT Barcelona 10K High Roller
Evento do (Buy-in At�� �2.000)
- Estrellas Poker Tour Barcelona
- Norwegian Championships Norway Cup
- PokerListings Battle of Malta
- WPT500 at Dusk Till Dawn
Evento do (Buy-in Superior a �2.000)
- EPT Barcelona Main Event
- EPT Grand Final Main Event
- EPT Prague Main Event
- WSOP Europe Main Event
Inova??o do Ano
- Norwegian Championship broadcast (sports style)
- PokerStars Play Along App �C Interactive Poker on TV
- PokerStars using superstars (athletes) for global campaign
- WSOP Europe remote Twitch broadcasts
Momento do Ano
- Dzmitry Urbanovich wins Crazy Pineapple tourney at EPT Malta �C 4th win of series
- Epic hand between Mateos and Lodden at EPT Grand Final
- John Gale returns from three years off (because of brain tumor) to win WSOP bracelet #2
- Pierre Neuville qualifies for the WSOP November Nine �C after declaring he wasn��t done
Melhor Pe?a Jornal��stica do Ano
- ��The Future of Poker in the Post-Boom Era�� �� Sam Grafton blog
- ��The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat�� �� Neil Stoddart��s picture captures Montury consoling Messina at EPT Malta
- ��Devilfish: A Friend with a Heart of Gold�� �� PokerNews article by Jesse May and Mickey May
- Remko Report, PokerNews Podcast, August 2015 �� Eli Elezra talks time in Israeli Army and high stakes with legends
Galeria dos Vencedores

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