Dave "Devilfish" Ulliott Faleceu Ontem (61 anos)

O conhecido jogador ingl��s Dave "Devilfish" Ulliott faleceu na manh? de ontem, a informa??o chegou ��s primeiras horas da noite atrav��s do Twitter do seu filho David.
Ulliott deixa assim a sua esposa Anpaktita, e os seus oito filhos Kerry, Lucy, Paul, David, Chris, Steven, Mike e Matthew.
Ulliott foi diagnosticado com cancro no f��gado em fase terminal no inicio deste ano e acabou por falecer "em paz e rodeado dos que mais amava", disse o seu filho.
Este profissional ingl��s de 61 anos vivia em Kingston upon Hull, Reino Unido, e �� um dos mais c��lebres jogadores britanicos. De acordo com o Hendon Mob tem $6,200,000 ganhos em torneios ao vivo, �� o n��mero 2 do seu pa��s e s�� �� ultrapassado por Sam Trickett.
Ulliot era considerado um dos padrinhos do poker europeu e foi o vencedor da primeira edi??o do Late Night Pokerem 1999. �� dif��cil explicar o peso de Ulliot na poker scene, a sua aus��ncia ser�� muito notada, abaixo podem ver algumas mensagens de condol��ncias da comunidade:
RIP @Devilfish2011 Devilfishes effusive personality, good heart and beautiful world class style of poker lit up televised poker for yrs!
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
RIP @Devilfish2011 if you knew Devilfish, then you loved him. He's a poker legend who is going into #PokerHallOfFame I'll miss you Fish!
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Agree w @TexDolly, it'd be good to see @devilfish2011 in HOF. Devilfish's book is a great read also
— Erik Seidel (@Erik_Seidel)
Poker lost one of it's most colorful characters today. RIP Dave "DevilFish" Ulliot https://t.co/K9YdPahx7H
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
I was expecting Devilfish to pass, but not as quickly. He sent me 3 Direct Messages on twitter just days ago.#RIPpokerhalloffame?
— Doyle Brunson (@TexDolly)
RIP to the devilfish. He was the life of any party or poker table he was at.
— Erick Lindgren (@EdogPoker)
Can't believe that Devilfish has lost his fight with cancer. He brought so much laughter to this world and will be deeply missed by many.
— John Duthie (@JohnnyDuthie)
RIP Dave always putting smiles on faces. Knew my name for 10 years, called me 'kid' every time. #Devilfish
— Toby Lewis (@810ofclubs)
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