Marcelo "urubu111" Freire Desafiou o Mundo e Agora Quer Desistir

No final do passado m��s de Abril notici��mos aqui que o brasileiro Marcelo Freire, mais conhecido no poker online como urubu111 estava a desafiar o "mundo" atrav��s de um posto no 2+2.
O post era o seguinte:
I will attempt to play minimum of 500k PLO hands in 45 days at 1/2, 2/4, 3/6 stakes. i have to win $ at tables (at least 0.01 dolar). day 28april 0:00 ETtime until day 11 june 23:59 ET time.
Ou seja, o brasileiro teria que jogar 500,000 m?os em 45 dias, nas mesas desde $1/$2 at�� $3/$6 e teria tamb��m de obter lucro.
A odd dada era de 2 para 1 ou seja, quem apostar 1 receberia 1,5 de volta e j�� existiam interessados na ac??o:
Christian 'charder30�� Harder - $26,000
DonkPredator - $5,000
Andr�� ��Wade�� Santos - $10,000
Da madrugada de ontem surge a desist��ncia do brasileiro, escreveu assim no 2+2:
i logged to offer a buy out.
im brazilian and......
after 9days, tons of hands, the last thing i want do is think about poker...
posting graph to ask your thoughts on how much a buy out is number should be fair?
if you bet against me let me know what you think. if you dont bet, also let me know, its good to have more opinions.
Marcelo postou ainda dois gr��ficos, um do $ e outro das big blinds, acabou por perder $17,715.12:

Marcelo postou ainda sobre a dificuldade do desafio, dificuldade essa que n?o esperava:
by the way, im surprised how hard is this stuff... i thought it was easy money, when people start betting big i was like ''omg donation for me !!! ''. i called busted friends saying then to sell their cars and bet like $10k usd on me, that for sure in 40day they double up their money.
glad they didnt trust me lol.
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