Decorre nas WSOP: $1,000,000 Big One for One Drop Arranca

Domingo, dia 1 de Julho, �� um dia sem igual nas World Series of Poker 2012 que vai ficar na hist��ria. O que vais presenciar vai marcar as p��ginas e criar um cap��tulo ��nico. Arrancou ��s 1:11 p.m., o $1,000,000 Big One for One Drop, tornando-se no maior torneio alguma vez jogado.
Event 55: $1,000,000 Big One for One Drop
O Grande Arranca
O mundo do poker nunca assistiu a algo semelhante e os olhos est?o postos nos 48 jogadores que fizeram o inacredit��vel, de cair os queixos, buy-in para disputarem o primeiro pr��mio de mais de $18 milh?es. O evento arrancou ��s 1:11 p.m. e conta com a presen?a dos not��veis Phil Ivey, Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Jason Mercier e Gus Hansen. Juntam-se tamb��m outros profissionais de poker e empres��rios. �� facilmente o mais excitante dia de poker e tu n?o vais queres perder os momentos de a??o.
Deixamos-te a lista de jogadores:
Jogador | Ocupa??o | Resid��ncia |
Bobby Baldwin | Chief Design and Construction Officer, MGM Resorts Intl. | Las Vegas, NV |
Frederic Banjout | CEO, Eden Shoes | Paris, France |
Bob Bright | CEO, Bright Trading, LLC | Las Vegas, NV |
Ilya Bulchev | Businessman | Moscow, Russia |
Roland De Wolfe | Professional Poker Player | London, England |
Tom Dwan | Professional Poker Player | Edison, NJ |
Jonathan Duhamel | Professional Poker Player | Montreal, QC, Canada |
David Einhorn | U.S. Hedge Fund Manager | Rye, New York |
Antonio Esfandiari | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Phil Galfond | Professional Poker Player | Potomac, MD |
Bertrand Grospellier | Professional Poker Player | Paris, France |
Philipp Gruissem | Professional Poker Player | Germany |
Giovanni Guarascio | Businessman | Montreal, Canada |
Phil Ivey | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Eugene Katchalov | Professional Poker Player | New York, NY |
Cary Katz | CEO, College Loan Corporation | Las Vegas, NV |
Jens Kyll?nen | Professional Poker Player | Finland |
Guy Lalibert�� | Founder, Cirque de Soleil | Montreal, QC, Canada |
Ben Lamb | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Tom Marchese | Professional Poker Player | Parsippanny, NJ |
Jason Mercier | Professional Poker Player | Davie, FL |
Michael Mizrachi | Professional Poker Player | Miami, FL |
John Morgan | CEO, Winmark Corporation | Minneapolis, MN |
Daniel Negreanu | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Paul Newey | Chairman, New Wave Ventures | Dorset, United Kingdom |
Chamath Palihapitiya | Venture Capitalist | Burlingame, CA |
Bill Perkins | Owner, Small Ventures (Private Equity) | Houston, TX |
Paul Phua | Asian Businessman | Miri, Malaysia |
Brian Rast | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Vivek Rajkumar | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Tobias Reinkemeier | Professional Poker Player | Brighton, Germany |
Andrew Robl | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Phil Ruffin | Owner, Treasure Island Resort | Las Vegas, NV |
Rick Salomon | Film Producer | Los Angeles, CA |
Nick Schulman | Professional Poker Player | New York, NY |
Noah Schwartz | Professional Poker Player | Miami, FL |
Erik Seidel | Professional Poker Player | Las Vegas, NV |
Mike Sexton | Professional Poker Player/Commentator | Las Vegas, NV |
Dan Shak | Founder, SHK Asset Management | Philadelphia, PA |
Talal Shakerchi | European Hedge Fund Manager | Surrey, England |
Mikhail Smirnov | Businessman/Poker Player | Moscow, Russia |
Justin Smith | Professional Poker Player | Los Angeles, CA |
Brandon Steven | Businessman/Car Dealer Owner | Wichita, KS |
Sam Trickett | Professional Poker Player | East Retford, England |
Haralabos Voulgaris | Professional Sports Handicapper | Winnipeg, Canada (Lotto seat) |
Richard Yong | Asian Businessman | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Satellite Winner | $25,300 Mega Satellite �C June 30 at Rio | (name) TBD |
Satellite Winner | MGM Resorts International VIP winner - June 30 | (name) TBD |
De acordo com as World Series of Poker, a lista de participantes ser�� 100% oficial depois do 4o n��vel do Big One for One Drop on, at�� l�� �� sujeita a altera??es.
Event #50: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Smith Procura Pelo Segundo Titulo $5K
Quando dizemos "outro" �� porque Dan Smith tem arrasado com eventos de buy-in de $5,000 durante este ano. Recentemente, Smith ganhou tr��s �� sim, tr��s �� eventos de $5,000 no and Monte-Carlo? Casino European Poker Tour Grand Final e agora est�� a querer acrescentar o t��tulo $5,000 WSOP ao seu curriculum.
Julius Quer Bracelete de Ouro
Kyle Julius come?ou o Dia 3 do Evento 50 como chip leader e com a vontade de saborear mais sucesso do poker, depois de ter ficado em segundo lugar, para mais de $1.5 milh?es, no 2012 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure.
Event #51: $1,000 Ladies No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Campe? do Ladies Event Por Coroar
No ��ltimo dia do $1,000 Ladies No-Limit Hold'em Championship est�� a decorrer e Debbie Pechac lidera as nove finalistas. A lideran?a da jogadora n?o �� muito grande pois Candida Ross-Powers est�� ao seu alcance. Yen Dang conclui o top tr��s, enquanto que Freda Lawrence preenche os ��ltimos lugares. O Ladies Championship vai premiar $170,587 �� nova campe? e a mesa final �� sempre memor��vel!
Event 52: $2,500 10-Game Mix �� Six-Handed
Vanessa Selbst pode n?o estar presente no Ladies Championship mas tem a oportunidade de vencer a segunda bracelete da sua carreira. Selbst lidera os 19 finalistas do Evento #52 mas ainda fortes em jogo est?o Mike Wattel, Chris Bjorin, vencedor da bracelete ouro 2012 Vincent van der Fluit, Scott Clements, Bryn Kenney e Mike Gorodinsky.
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