Grupo Bernard Tapie Chega a Acordo com o Departamento de Justi?a

Depois de muito tempo de espera surge, ou n?o, luz ao fundo do t��nel. O Grupo Bernard Tapie (GBT) e o Departamento de Justi?a chegaram a acordo e �� agora poss��vel para o GBT a compra da Full Tilt Poker (FTP). Agora a decis?o cabe aos accionistas da FTP, se aceitarem o neg��cio os jogadores de todo o mundo, excepto EUA, ver?o restitu��dos os seus fundos. Segundo v��rias fontes, Ray Bitar enviou este mail aos accionistas da Tiltware.
Dear members, I am pleased to announce that today the Department of Justice and Groupe Bernard Tapie have reached an agreement in principle regarding the acquisition of the companies comprising FullTiltPoker. My understanding is the deal provides that in exchange for an agreed upon payment by GBT, and a GBT commitment to assume responsibility for payment of ROW players, DoJ will reimburse US players and settle the outstanding civil litigation with the companies comprising FTP. Beyond these conditions, issues like the time frame and process for repayment of players remain unclear at this point and time. With DoJ��s consent now in hand, GBT may now proceed to finalize an agreement to acquire the companies or assets that comprise FTP. That agreement will very likely address the status of your shares or interests in the successor company. When I receive that agreement, I will coordinate with our attorneys to ensure the terms of that proposed agreement will be shared with the membership and voted on.
Assim sendo temos apenas que aguardar, parece que o futuro reserva algo de positivo para quem tem dinheiro "preso" na FTP. Vamos estar atentos a mais novidades...