Novo Calend��rio SCOOP 2010

A PokerStars fez algumas altera??es ao programa do Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP). Os torneios come?am no dia 2 de Maio e terminam no dia 16, s?o 38 torneios com v��rios buy-in's e passando por todas as vertentes de poker.
Todos os eventos ter?o 3 tipos de buy-in: Low, Medium e High - dando a oportunidade a todos de participarem. O SCOOP vai gerar um prizepool combinado total de mais de $45,000,000 ultrapassando os $39,372,270 do ano passado. O Main Event ter�� um prizepool de $1,000,000, $3,000,000 e $5,000,000 respectivamente nos torneio de Low, Medium e High buy-in.
Existir�� tamb��m um main event high stakes de dois dias de dura??o. O buy-in ser�� $5,200 e o torneio disputa-se na vertente No Limit Hold��em. Ser�� que vamos ter algum jogador portugu��s a participar? O prizepool garante $1,000,000 para o primeiro classificado.
O pontap�� de sa��da �� dado no dia 2 com um No-Limit Hold��em [6-Max] com buy-in de $22, $215 e $2,100 com prizepool garantido de $250,000, $1,000,000 e $1,000,000.
O calend��rio do SCOOP inclu�� a maioria dos jogos que a PokerStars oferece aos seus clientes, a saber: Badugi, Omaha, Draw, Stud e Hold��em; Shootouts, 2X Chance Turbos, 8-game e HORSE.
O evento 35 �� um Heads-Up Match Play de dois dias e ter�� um high buy-in de $25,500.
Os sat��lites para todos os eventos come?am na PokerStars nas pr��ximas semanas, mantenham-se atentos.
Calend��rio Spring Championship of Online Poker
Domingo, 02 Maio 2010
13:00 ET
Evento 01-L: $22 NL Hold'em [6-max], $250K guaranteed
Evento 01-M: $215 NL Hold'em [6-max], $1M guaranteed
Evento 01-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em [6-max], $1M guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 02-L: $22 NL Hold'em, $500K guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 02-M: $215 NL Hold'em, $2M guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 02-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em, $2M guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Segunda, 03 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 03-L: $5.50 NL Hold'em [6-max, rebuys], $250K guaranteed
Evento 03-M: $55 NL Hold'em [6-max, rebuys], $500K guaranteed
Evento 03-H: $530 NL Hold'em [6-max, rebuys], $1M guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 04-L: $16.50 FL Badugi, $25K guaranteed
Evento 04-M: $162 FL Badugi, $50K guaranteed
Evento 04-H: $1,575 FL Badugi, $75K guaranteed
20:00 ET
Evento 05-L: $11 PL Omaha [turbo, 1R1A], $50K guaranteed
Evento 05-M: $109 PL Omaha [turbo, 1R1A], $100K guaranteed
Evento 05-H: $1,050 PL Omaha [turbo, 1R1A], $150K guaranteed
Ter?a, 04 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 06-L: $11 PL 5-Card Draw, $25K guaranteed
Evento 06-M: $109 PL 5-Card Draw, $50K guaranteed
Evento 06-H: $1,050 PL 5-Card Draw, $75K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 07-L: $16.50 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Match Play], $100K guaranteed
Evento 07-M: $162 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Match Play], $250K guaranteed
Evento 07-H: $1,575 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Match Play], $500K guaranteed
20:00 ET
Evento 08-L: $11 NL Hold'em, $100K guaranteed
Evento 08-M: $109 NL Hold'em, $200K guaranteed
Evento 08-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em, $500K guaranteed
Quarta, 05 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 09-L: $22 Mixed Hold'em [6-max], $100K guaranteed
Evento 09-M: $215 Mixed Hold'em [6-max], $200K guaranteed
Evento 09-H: $2,100 Mixed Hold'em [6-max], $400K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 10-L: $33 7-Card Stud High, $25K guaranteed
Evento 10-M: $320 7-Card Stud High, $50K guaranteed
Evento 10-H: $3,150 7-Card Stud High, $100K guaranteed
Quinta, 06 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 11-L: $22 PL Omaha [Heads-Up Match Play], $25K guaranteed
Evento 11-M: $215 PL Omaha [Heads-Up Match Play], $100K guaranteed
Evento 11-H: $2,100 PL Omaha [Heads-Up Match Play], $200K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 12-L: NL Hold'em (TBD), $100K guaranteed
Evento 12-M: NL Hold'em (TBD), $200K guaranteed
Evento 12-H: NL Hold'em (TBD), $300K guaranteed
Sexta, 07 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 13-L: $16.50 NL Hold'em [Ante Up!], $50K guaranteed
Evento 13-M: $162 NL Hold'em [Ante Up!], $100K guaranteed
Evento 13-H: $1,575 NL Hold'em [Ante Up!], $200K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 14-L: $55 FL Omaha Hi/Lo, $50K guaranteed
Evento 14-M: $530 FL Omaha Hi/Lo, $150K guaranteed
Evento 14-H: $5,200 FL Omaha Hi/Lo, $250K guaranteed
20:00 ET
Evento 15-L: $16.50 NL Hold'em [2X Chance, turbo], $250K guaranteed
Evento 15-M: $162 NL Hold'em [2X Chance, turbo], $500K guaranteed
Evento 15-H: $1,575 NL Hold'em [2X Chance, turbo], $750K guaranteed
S��bado, 08 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 16-L: $22 NL Hold'em - Quadruple Shootout [10-max], $150K guaranteed
Evento 16-M: $215 NL Hold'em - Triple Shootout [10-max], $150K guaranteed
Evento 16-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em - Double Shootout [10-max], $200K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 17-L: $16.50 PL Omaha [6-max rebuys], $100K guaranteed
Evento 17-M: $162 PL Omaha [6-max rebuys], $250K guaranteed
Evento 17-H: $1,575 PL Omaha [6-max rebuys], $500K guaranteed
20:00 ET
Evento 18-L: $22 FL Hold'em [turbo], $25K guaranteed
Evento 18-M: $215 FL Hold'em [turbo], $100K guaranteed
Evento 18-H: $2,100 FL Hold'em [turbo], $150K guaranteed
Domingo, 09 Maio 2010
13:00 ET
Evento 19-L: $22 NL Hold'em [big antes], $250K guaranteed
Evento 19-M: $215 NL Hold'em [big antes], $750K guaranteed
Evento 19-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em [big antes], $750K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 20-L: $22 NL Hold'em, $500K guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 20-M: $215 NL Hold'em, $2M guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 20-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em, $2M guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Segunda, 10 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 21-L: $16.50 PL Hold'em / PL Omaha, $75K guaranteed
Evento 21-M: $162 PL Hold'em / PL Omaha, $200K guaranteed
Evento 21-H: $1,575 PL Hold'em / PL Omaha, $300K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 22-L: $33 NL Hold'em [4-max], $150K guaranteed
Evento 22-M: $320 NL Hold'em [4-max], $300K guaranteed
Evento 22-H: $3,150 NL Hold'em [4-max], $500K guaranteed
20:00 ET
Evento 23-L: $11 NL Hold'em [turbo, rebuys], $150K guaranteed
Evento 23-M: $109 NL Hold'em [turbo, rebuys], $300K guaranteed
Evento 23-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em [turbo, rebuys], $500K guaranteed
Ter?a, 11 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 24-L: $11 Triple Draw 2-7, $25K guaranteed
Evento 24-M: $109 Triple Draw 2-7, $50K guaranteed
Evento 24-H: $1,050 Triple Draw 2-7, $75K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 25-L: $22 7-Card Stud Hi/Lo, $50K guaranteed
Evento 25-M: $215 7-Card Stud Hi/Lo, $100K guaranteed
Evento 25-H: $2,100 7-Card Stud Hi/Lo, $150K guaranteed
20:00 ET
Evento 26-L: $11 NL Hold'em, $100K guaranteed
Evento 26-M: $109 NL Hold'em, $200K guaranteed
Evento 26-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em, $500K guaranteed
Quarta, 12 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 27-L: $22 Razz, $50K guaranteed
Evento 27-M: $215 Razz, $100K guaranteed
Evento 27-H: $2,100 Razz, $150K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 28-L: $11 NL Hold'em [rebuys], $200K guaranteed
Evento 28-M: $109 NL Hold'em [rebuys], $400K guaranteed
Evento 28-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em [rebuys], $600K guaranteed
Quinta, 13 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 29-L: $33 8-Game, $75K guaranteed
Evento 29-M: $320 8-Game, $150K guaranteed
Evento 29-H: $3,150 8-Game, $250K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 30-L: $11 PL Omaha Hi/Lo, $75K guaranteed
Evento 30-M: $109 PL Omaha Hi/Lo, $150K guaranteed
Evento 30-H: $1,050 PL Omaha Hi/Lo, $300K guaranteed
Sexta, 14 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 31-L: $22 NL Hold'em [1 rebuy, 1 add-on], $250K guaranteed
Evento 31-M: $215 NL Hold'em [1 rebuy, 1 add-on], $500K guaranteed
Evento 31-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em [1 rebuy, 1 add-on], $1M guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 32-L: $55 FL Hold'em [6-max], $100K guaranteed
Evento 32-M: $530 FL Hold'em [6-max], $200K guaranteed
Evento 32-H: $5,200 FL Hold'em [6-max], $300K guaranteed
20:00 ET
Evento 33-L: $22 NL Omaha Hi/Lo [turbo], $50K guaranteed
Evento 33-M: $215 NL Omaha Hi/Lo [turbo], $100K guaranteed
Evento 33-H: $2,100 NL Omaha Hi/Lo [turbo], $200K guaranteed
S��bado, 15 Maio 2010
14:00 ET
Evento 34-L: $55 PL Omaha [6-max], $100K guaranteed
Evento 34-M: $530 PL Omaha [6-max], $250K guaranteed
Evento 34-H: $5,200 PL Omaha [6-max], $500K guaranteed
15:30 ET
Evento 35-L: $270 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Match Play], $250K guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 35-M: $2,600 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Match Play], $500K guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 35-H: $25,500 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Match Play], $750K guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
17:00 ET
Evento 36-L: $22 HORSE, $50K guaranteed
Evento 36-M: $215 HORSE, $100K guaranteed
Evento 36-H: $2,100 HORSE, $150K guaranteed
Domingo, 16 Maio 2010
13:00 ET
Evento 37-L: $22 NL Hold'em, $200K guaranteed
Evento 37-M: $215 NL Hold'em, $750K guaranteed
Evento 37-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em, $750K guaranteed
17:00 ET
Evento 38-L: $109 NLHE Main Evento - L, $1M guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 38-M: $1,050 NLHE Main Evento - M, $3M guaranteed (Evento de 2 dias)
Evento 38-H: $10,300 NLHE Main Evento - H, $5M guaranteed, $1M guaranteed to 1st, (Evento de 2 dias)
Nota Ed: A PokerStars oferece ainda aos nossos jogadores um b��nus de primeiro dep��sito de 100% at�� $600. Participe tamb��m nos Freerolls de $2,000 Especiais PokerNews.