Nomea??es European Poker Awards 2009

J�� foram conhecidos os nomes candidatos aos European Pokewr Awards 2009. Como n?o podia deixar de ser, os nomes de Jeff Lisandro e Leo Margets est?o entre os nomeados.
Existe 6 categorias, Player of The Year, Europe��s Leading Lady, Rookie of the Year, Outstanding Tournament Performance of the Year, Internet Player of the Year e Poker Staff Person of the Year.
A entrega dos pr��mio ser�� feita no dia 12 do pr��ximo m��s de Fevereiro no Aviation Club em Paris.
Lista de Nomeados:
Player of the Year
Jeff Lisandro (Ita)
Dragan Gallic (Cro)
Vitaly Lunkin (Rus)
Antoine Saout (Fra)
Bertrand "Elky" Grospellier (Fra)
Europe��s Leading Lady
Sandra Naujoks (Ale)
Leo Margets (Esp)
Kara Scott (Ing)
Annette Obrestad (Nor)
Lynne Beaumont (Ing)
Rookie of the Year
Antoine Saout (Fra)
Martin Silke (Irl)
Jens Kyll?nen (Fin)
Tristan Clemencon (Fra)
Benjamin Spindler (Ale)
Outstanding Tournament Performance of the Year
Antoine Saout (Fra)
Jeff Lisandro (Ita)
Pieter de Korver (Hol)
Vitaly Lunkin (Rus)
Ville Wahlbeck (Fin)
Internet Player of the Year
Patrik Antonius (Fin)
Chris Moorman (Ing)
Jude Ainsworth (Irl)
Ilari Sahamies (Fin)
Bertrand Grospellier (Fra)
Poker Staff Person of the Year
Edgar Stuchly (Aut)
Thomas Kremser (Aut)
Paul Spillane (Ing)
Simon Trumper (Ing)
Gerard Serra Retamero (Esp)
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